Wearing HappyFeet Insoles is like walking on a sandy beach barefoot. HappyFeet massaging insoles put our feet back in their healthy, natural environment


Koviss Golf Europe
Pfaendwiesenstrasse 2a
8152 Opfikon-Zurich

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Tel +41 - (0)44 811 33 11 & 12    
Tel +41 - (0)44 811 33 15 or via WhatsApp, by adding this phone number
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Email info@koviss-eu.com    
UST-ID / MwSt-Nr (VAT / TVA / IVA): CHE-113.620.081  
Reseller/Distributor Information EU
Lager / dépôt / magazzino / warehouse:
Koviss Golf Europe
c/o Reifen Fehrenbacher
Schwarzwaldstr. 21
79798 Jestetten
Headquarter: Seoul, S- Korea Established in 1978  
Representation Koviss EU Established in 2005  

Koviss TEE conform to USGA & R&A     |      Internetsite R&A
R&A: Konforme Golftees, die mit einer Schnur an einem anderen Tee befestigt sind, wurden von R&A als zulässig eingestuft und sind somit für vorgabewirksame Turniere erlaubt. Es darf jedoch keine Spielrichtung angezeigt werden.
Koviss Tee sind konform, die Verbindungsschnur muss für vorgabewirksame Turniere allerdings noch entfernt werden.
R&A: Koviss TEE de golf sont conformément au règle du golf R&A, même deux tees reliés entre eux par une ficelle. Il est interdit d'indiquer la ligne de jeu ou comme l'aide d'alignement.
USGA: Koviss TEEs conforment aux règles du golf USGA, restriction USGA: pendant le déroulement
d'un tournoi officiel la ficelle doit être enlever.
R&A: Un TEE da golf che conforme alle regole di golf R&A anche collegati per mezzo di una cordicella. È vietato di indicare la linea di gioco o in altro modo aiutare il giocatore ad allinearsi.
USGA: Il Koviss TEE conforme alle regole di golf USGA, nel corso di una gara ufficiale la codicella deve essere rimossa.
R&A: Two or More Tees – Connected by a Length of Cord or String
within The R&A’s area of jurisdiction (everywhere except the USA and Mexico) the use of a conforming tee which is connected to one or more other conforming tees by a length of cord or string is permissible – provided the cord or string and other tees are not used to aid the player in his alignment.
Such a practice would render the player in breach of Rule 8-2a (Indicating Line of Play).
USGA: (USA and Mexico) During official tournaments the use of string tees voids USGA conformity. String must be removed for tournament play.

R&A (all Koviss TEE)

USGA (VS TEE & similar Koviss TEE types)

VS TEE USA, EU, Japan, China, South Korea Europe EU287255-0001
VS TEE PRO USA, EU, Japan, China, South Korea USA US6783470B2
Hem Magic Ball Marker USA, Japan, South Korea Japan JP1255520
Holders South Korea China CH284062
Green Repair Tools South Korea Korea KR0277164
Änderungen vorbehalten / subject to changes    

Privacy Policy:
Koviss Golf Europe based in Switzerland is offering to customers the highest quality service and support possible. In order to grant this service, we may require some personal information to complete orders and establish contact.
We are respecting your privacy. While working with Koviss Golf Europe you can be assured that, your email address and personal information will never be sold or provided to third parties. Please contact us for any questions regarding your privacy or account information.




Koviss Product Presentation

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see VS TEE Video

Koviss Golf Video Presentation VS TEE how it works

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